Tuesday, May 14, 2013

‘Unruly’ woman thrown off plane for singing Whitney Houston song

An "unruly" passenger was escorted off an American Airlines flight because she repeatedly sang Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You, irritating fellow passengers.
Press reports say the flight from Los Angeles to New York made an emergency landing at Kansas City International Airport after cabin crew and fellow passengers were less than impressed with her "disruptive" vocals.

Quoted on
ninemsn.com, airport spokesman Joe McBride said: "The woman was being disruptive and was removed from the plane for interfering with the flight crew.

"There was a federal air marshal on the aircraft, who subdued the woman and put her in cuffs and removed her from the plane." However, even after being placed in handcuffs the persistent fan continued her warbling, as this
YouTube video shows.

Perth Now reports that the the woman claimed she became disruptive because she was diabetic, and was released without charge.

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