Sunday, June 9, 2013

WATCH: Heart-warming video of musicians entertaining passengers on delayed flight

It’s the moment that every passenger dreads… their flight has been delayed and there’s a long (and boring) wait until the new departure time.

However, passengers onboard a recent flight in China had a very different story to tell after their flight was delayed by three hours.

A string quartet from The Philadelphia Orchestra happened to be travelling on the flight and treated their fellow passengers to an impromptu concert, while the aircraft was waiting on the tarmac in Beijing.

The moment was filmed by a number of people and I’ve included a video below. It shows two violinists, a viola player and a cellist playing a selection from Dvorak’s “American” string quartet for five-and-a-half minutes.

Passengers showed their appreciation by cheering and applauding the performers, who recently launched a tour of China, 40 years after it became the first U.S. orchestra to visit the country.

At the time of publishing this story, the video is close to a million views on YouTube! So the kind act was also great publicity for The Philadelphia Orchestra.

Watch the video below

Source: TheAviationWriter


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