Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Government takes first legal steps in bringing its aviation bodies up to ICAO standards.

Angola's parliament has introduced the first legislation aimed at bringing its Aviation Law up to international and ICAO standard with the separation of the yet-to-be-named Accident's investigations bureau from the country's civil aviation authority (Instituto Nacional da Aviação Civil - INAVIC) which currently falls under the Angolan Ministry of Transport.
Luanda 4 de Fevereiro Airport inbound
Addressing journalists about the country's new law which replaces legislation passed in January 2008, (Lei da Aviação Civil N.º 01/08 de 16 de Janeiro), the Chairman of Angola's national airports and ATC regulatory body (Empresa Nacional de Exploração de Aeroportos e Navegação Aérea - ENANA), Manuel Ceitas said the new Civil Aviation Law benefits all airlines operating in Angola.

Though it is still awaiting final approval, it further defines elements linked to air accidents and investigation, acts of unlawful interference such as actions that endangering safety in civil aviation, air transport, hijackings on the ground and in flight, the seizure of illegal aircraft, forced flight operations, among others. In addition, companies currently participating in the aviation sector, such as ground handling firm, Ghassist, will also have well defined roles. (See this similar post regarding Sudan: ■ SUDAN: "Restructuring of Civil Aviation Authority to improve air safety": Abdulaziz )

An ICAO USOAP audit of Angola conducted in December 2007 identified a Significant Safety Concern (SSC) in the area of aircraft operations (OPS) pertaining to the certification process for issuing Air Operator Certificates (AOCs). According to the audit, there was "an overall Lack of Effective Implementation (LEI) of a safety oversight system rated as 79%. High LEIs occurred in the areas of accident investigation (AIG) at 93.75%, air navigation services (ANS) at 87.25% and aerodromes (AGA) at 77.78%."

The improvements come on the back of national carrier TAAG Linhas Aéreas de Angola's (DT) plans to launch flights to the United States in next two or three years, but which will require Angola to attain IASA Category 1 status to do so.According to Wikileaks, Delta Airlines (DL) had, in the past, considered flights to Luanda, though this was dependent on the country improving its safety and security oversights. (Editor's note: In the leak, see what Angolan Minister of Transportation, August da Silva Tomas, says about TAAG's staunch loyalty to Boeing!).

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