Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Kenya Airways releases its Operations Report for Q1 FY2013/14.

Kenya Airways (KQ) has released its Operations Report for the First Quarter of its 2013/14 Financial Year. Overall, the company put into the market place a total capacity of 3'464million seat kilometres which gives a year on year growth of 3.0%. During this quarter the airline successfully launched three weekly operations into Livingstone, the third destination in Zambia after Lusaka and Ndola.
Capacity Available: % Change on 2012
The measure of an airline flight's passenger carrying capacity against the same period in 2012.
Middle East & Far East (+12.8%):Growth was driven by the introduction of daily operations to Guangzhou via Bangkok coupled with increased deployment of larger B777 equipment to Bombay.
North Africa (0.0%): despite the introduction of a third daily frequency to Juba, growth remained flat because of the inevitable cutbacks made to Cairo following the volatile political situation in Egypt. 

East Africa (+12.9%): Growth increased owing to the increase in early morning departures to Entebbe and additional Dar-es-Salaam frequencies and daily night stops.

Southern Africa (+10.4%) Rise in demand was largely due to the increased night time operations into Lusaka and Lilongwe as well as the introduction of of Livingstone flights.

West Africa (-10.9%): The slump was driven mainly by the suspension of Bangui, Ouagadougou, N’Djamena and Libreville destinations due to constrained demand. 

Europe (0.0%): Despite the withdrawal of flights to Rome, growth remained on par with last year because of the addition of two weekly frequencies to Paris.

Kenya (Domestic) (+11.6%): The rise was due to the re-launch of services to Eldoret in October 2012 and the addition of a further two daily flights into Kisumu including a night stop.

Cargo Capacity (-4.0%): Cargo capacity offered measured Cargo tonne kilometres on the passenger aircraft belly declined by 4.0% with an equivalent drop in actual cargo volumes uplifted in the quarter. However, the introduction of the regional freighter in April marked a major milestone in broadening the cargo network and will continue to drive the attractiveness of Nairobi as the region’s future airfreight hub.

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